Friday, October 08, 2010


may be the evil empire gathering up data from its users' activities on line, amalgamating it & then, without creating an avatar—or maybe it does, & there's a whole virtual populated planet hidden in the deepest dungeons of Mountain View—it uses the modelled individual to become a Cylon pilot—yes, the first series of Caprica has finally arrived on our TV screens, not on cable SciFi but on one of the new free to air HD channels that are springing up, mushroom-like, as each channel basically clones itself & distributes what was previously barely enough to keep one channel going across three or four, this one 7mate, a silly blokey name, along the lines of "how ya goin', mate?", a phrase which I'd never use, & a name which I'd be too embarrassed to admit watching—but I have to admit that I like today's Google audio-visual logo gif commemorating the 70th anniversary of the birth of John Lennon.


Martin Edmond said...

I seem to be part of the Gem demographic


mark young said...

Gem X or Gem Y, Martin?

& isn't that next to Go?

& maybe if you do pass Go, you'll find the following channel is called Cleanliness because isn't that meant to be next to Go