Wednesday, January 31, 2007

As far as I am aware

I have never had commerce - nor congress for that matter - with any of Google's suite of spreadsheets, word processing, nasal-hair removers, etc.

In addition, the Google search function ignores Otoliths with an intransigence that I can't understand. I have tried vainly to get it to trawl through the pages, am trying something new this issue. Yahoo lists it high up, so too MSN; but I think you need to scavenge through an Amazonian forest of growth rings to find a link to the e-zine in Google.

Yet this morning, I received an email from Google Calendar reminding me that today was the last day for submissions to the current issue. I don't want to go there. It has taken two pieces of information from the "front" pages that it otherwise ignores, joined them logically, &, in the process, frightened the life out of me by such a level of snooping sophistication.

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